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Morning Drop-Off Procedures:

• Students who are car riders should be dropped off at the Circle Drive (Old Lima).

• Students will not be permitted into the building until 7:25 a.m. Please wait to release your child

from the car until

• Parents must wait until a staff member is present before allowing children to exit the vehicle.

• Parents should pull as far forward as possible, having their child ready to exit anywhere in the green

drop-off zone. (Please do not hold up the line at a preferred door.)

• Students should exit their vehicle from the curb side onto the sidewalk.

• Car riders must be in their classroom by 7:45 a.m. If you are dropping your child off after 7:45, you

will need to park in a parking space and sign your child in at the office (Door #1).

Other Reminders:

• Students who are not in their classroom by 7:45 will be marked “Late to School.”

• All adults need to enter the school through door #1, including arrival and departure times.

• Remember that discussions with your child's teacher need to be set up ahead of time. The school

day is very busy, and teachers take student supervision very seriously. As such, teachers are unable

to chat during normal school hours. They will, however, gladly talk to you after school or at

another pre-scheduled time during the day.

• Please do not drop students off at any location other than the Circle Drive.

(Do not drop students off behind the fire station or in the visitor lot near Door #1.)

Dismissal Procedures:

• The student day ends at 2:25 p.m. Students will exit toward the Circle Drive at that time.

• Parents should turn off their car engines while parked in the Circle Drive as this is a “No Idle Zone.”

• Parents will hold up a Huntertown sign with the child’s last name that was issued from the office. If

you need another sign for any reason, park at the main office, enter Door #1, and the office staff

will be happy to make you another one.


Thank you so much for your cooperation with these drop-off and pickup procedures. These will ensure that

our students are safe and that transportation runs as smoothly as possible. I appreciate your help!


Casey Stansifer, Principal
